Women in Afghanistan The life of women in Afghanistan is like a hell, especially the Muslim women. Islam means the submission of humankind to the will of god and not the submission of women to the will of men. The afghan Taliban’s announced that girls should not be sent to school, women should be thrown out of their jobs. This news really saddened the American Muslims as it came as a shock wave. Prophet had said that search of knowledge is compulsory over every Muslim, irrespective of their gender (male or female). A letter from afghan women. Please go through it: This is an open letter for all Pakistanis and the Muslim world. I want to expose certain criminals and unveil their ferocious atrocities, to all of my Muslim brethren. I am an Afghan Muslim woman of Hazara origin. My age is 44 and I am reasonably educated as compared to most of the women in Afghanistan . I was living in Mazar-e-Sharif with my husband and two children, a son and a daughter. My husband had a leather shop i...