I, as a child, always had a keen interest to know more and more about human gods. I remember asking my parents regarding the difference between worshipping a god and a human god. My grandmother used to reply, “There are no such human gods. God is one.” But since my childhood days, I always used to hear about people worshipping human gods who existed among us in our society. Nevertheless, I never bothered to believe such people. But things changed suddenly. As time passed by and I entered my college life, I started believing the power of human gods. Today, I am a firm devotee of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba. I do not have any particular memory on how I suddenly changed myself into a Sai devotee. But, yes, me and my family have always been experiencing a presence of him in our family since past few years. My father was the first devotee of Baba in our family. He used to donate a few amount on every Thursdays to a Sai Baba Temple near to his office. He started contributing money without...