Put a Full Stop To Child Marriages!

Child marriages! It’s not something new. We all are aware of it yet we chose to stay silent. Isn’t? Well, it includes me too. We all think, how can we help a girl from being a victim of child marriage. But I guess, we can do. At least, we can make aware of the side effects of the child marriage on these little ones. Today, I came across three stories of child marriage published by #UNICEF. The three unheard stories of these little girls made me realize that how lucky I was and how unfortunate were they. We should have been lucky enough to go to school and to get educated and earn. India, especially Bihar, is one of the areas where most of the child marriages take place every year. I just have one question…Why? Why are these innocent girls punished in the name of traditions? Marriage is never a punishment but marriage at the age of 6 or 12 years, is definitely a bane. Understand and get into your head that a girl is not born to wash the feet of a man all throughout h...