Should it be soft drinks after Maggi?
A soft drink is a beverage which contains carbonated water, sweetener and a flavoring. Drinking soft drinks of any kind has certain positive and negative effects.
A soft drink is a beverage which contains carbonated water, sweetener and a flavoring. Drinking soft drinks of any kind has certain positive and negative effects.

Recently, Maggi – the most loved fast food of India was in news and is on a verge of getting banned in the country. The food inspectors have asked Nestle to recall the consignments of Maggi from Uttar Pradesh as it contained a high amount of MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate) and lead.
After such a severe step taken by the Food Safety and Standard Authorities of India Department, the soft drinks may be the next on the targeted list.
Yes – Soft drinks should be banned.
1. Big health threats – India is home to nearly 62 million diabetics patients. It is a fact that too much of sugar kills a person. One 12 ounce of Pepsi contains 41 grams of sugar. It is said that women should not consume even one glass of Pepsi in a day. Soft drinks can cause various diseases such as Pancreatic cancer, bone issues, diabetics etc. It also increases the rate of metabolic syndrome.
2. Unhealthy for kids – Soft drinks are unhealthy especially for the kids and thus, it should be banned in the country. It contains a lot of impurities and hazards which are harmful for the kids. Soft drinks have a high level of acid which creates digestive problems and kids are highly prone to this threat. Soft drinks lead to the decay of teeth enamel - which again poses severe heakth hazard to the people consuming it.
3. Harmful preservatives – Apart from acid, impurities and dust particles, soft drinks contain harmful preservatives such as chemicals from ajinomoto.
4. Lack of attendance in educational institutes – School and college going students are more addicted to the soft drinks. A recent study shows that around 65% of the students drink soft drinks at least once in a day. The ill effects of consuming soft drinks prevents the students from going to school. The health hazards caused due to consuming soft drinks creates a lack of attendance for the kids.
No – Soft drinks should not be banned.
1. Toxic vegetables – Today most of the vegetables and fruits are injected with harmful chemicals so that they stay fresh for a long time. Before banning the soft drinks, the entry of such vegetables and fruits in to the market should be banned as they are a necessity.
2. Cigarette and Tobacco – The consumption of tobacco and cigarette is legal in India despite the fact that they are harmful for an individual. In spite of carrying the pictorial warnings on the package, these products are widely circulated and consumed.
3. Social Aspect – Soft drinks are an integral part of a societal function. Most of the family or society functions are incomplete without a soft drink. Soft drinks along with light snacks are the easiest things to serve for a sudden or small get together.
4. Act as energy drink – Most of the people consider soft drinks to be an energy drink. It wipes off our thirst during the extreme summers and provides us with energy. They are the only easily available source of drinks during the summer season.
5. Right to freedom – Adults should not be treated like kids. It is the choice of the people to decide whether to consume the soft drinks or not. Most of the people are educated consumers and thus, they know what to buy and what not to buy.
The Department of Health and Education and other related agencies should ensure the public that all the schools require a course in nutrition for all the students. It should also offer healthy menus to the people not only in school canteens but also in the office cafeterias.
India is a democratic and thus, people have the right to chose what they want. We should keep in mind that a healthy citizen is translated into a healthy nation.
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