Who is a better boss – a man or a woman?


In the battle of sexes, a recent study throws a light on the power of women, who are emerging as a super boss in this competitive world. But does this power of women overthrows a man from his throne?

Today, both men and women are exposed to equal opportunities and liberties. The world has started accepting the fact that women is not just an object which is to be used and throw.

Though women are facing the crime and brutalities, the criminal issues against a woman are taken into a serious consideration. Still, women are proving that nobody can degrade the moral spirit of the women community.

Now, let's take a look on who makes a better boss – a man or a woman?

A woman is a better boss.

1. Good communicators – Women are better listeners than men and this is the most important skill which is required to manage a customer and the employees. Men usually communicate through activities rather than conversations. A better communication can build a strong relationship based on trust.

2. More patience – Women have a skill of being more patient with the employees than the male boss. Women do not jump into a conclusion quickly and does not make a decision hastily. Winners have the tendency to wait for a long period for the desired result.

3. Multitasking – Women carry a dual burden and a task of dual responsibility. Most of the female bosses are enriched with the skill of multi tasking as they manage their household or their small kid and at the same time manage their employees.

4. Stronger ethics – Every organization needs to follow a set a codes and ethics for its proper functioning. A female boss tends to follow a stronger ethics and yet maintain a friendly environment. According to Bart and Mc Queen, women who are effective managers consider the rights of others in the pursuit of fairness.

5. Lend you tissues – Most of the times, a male boss fails to hear the personal problems of an employee. You can speak out your heart to your female boss as she has the patience to hear it. It can improve the relationship between an employee and employer.

A man is a better boss.

1. Complete attention – A man does not have to give his complete focus and attention to his family while he is working is his company. He has a wife at home to look after the household chores. In such a case, he can increase the profit made by the company.

2. Good judgement – Women are usually more prone to mood swings and thus, it affects them their decisions. Men do not think emotionally and apply their professional knowledge before taking a decision.

3. Genetic advantage – Men have a genetic advantage unlike women who consider their competitors as “sisters”. Men make a good professional team with their co-workers (both the genders).

4. Practical thinking – Men apply a practical and professional knowledge before taking a decision. They consider a situation from all the aspects, including the profit they gain from a venture or event. A recent study shows that men are more money minded than women.

5. No groupism – Women have an inborn trait of creating groups wherever they go, irrespective of the place. Men do not create any such groups or promote the concept of groupism. They remain friendly with all the employees and keep the office environment healthy.


Though men rule the world, it is said that behind every successful man, there is a woman. There was a time, when women used to sit at home and look after the household works and her family.

But, time has changed and so have the women. The experiences and sufferings of a woman make her a strong person and change her into a super woman, super mom or a super boss. Time has come that women should explore themselves more and more with and should prove that they are not less than man in this competitive world.

Definitely, today, women make a better boss than men. Female boss can also help to prevent the sexual harassment in their office. Give a big salute to those women who achieved the position of a boss, not for ruling others, but for achieving the throne with their hard work and confidence.


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