MBA by engineers – Wastage of resources?

Today, the concept of pursing an MBA degree after completing the engineering course has become a common trend among the Indian students. Students who have pursued a degree in Computer Engineering, Non IT specializations and who are already in business oriented roles are the ones who usually take up an MBA degree after BE.

The main reasons to earn a management degree are – to enter into a new field, increase the networking and to learn and apply new skills to grow in the career. It depends on the personal and the professional goals of an individual to choose his career path.

Let's take a look at whether MBA by engineers is a wastage of resources when they already possess one professional degree. Can these seats be better utitilised by some general graduates struggling to do better in life?

Yes – MBA by engineers has become a wastage of resources due to:

- Wastage of technical knowledge – MBA has nothing to do with engineering as both are two different fields. The technical knowledge acquired during the engineering course is not applicable in the management field. Pursuing MBA after engineering is a total wastage of technical knowledge.

- Misplacement in respect of job - An engineer should join Toyota or L & T rather than Accenture or Cognizant aspiring to be im management. The wastage of technical knowledge by an engineer can lead to his misplacement of job.

- Money making – Any job acquired after the completion of studies from a reputed university can land you up in a good job. It is a false myth that only MBA candidates earn more money than engineers. Engineering graduates can earn much more than MBA students only if they are dedicated and hardworking.

Listening to parents – The background cases of engineering and MBA students are almost similar. After the completion of engineering, students take up MBA unnecessarily, just because their parents want them to do so. It is a huge wastage of financial resources on part of the candidate.

-Loose the interest half – way – Most of the students take up engineering on a high spirit but later, tend to loose it mid way. Their mind shifts or focuses to another career. This shift, sometimes, may be a huge loss for the student in the terms of the time and dedication that his engineering degree deserves.

No – MBA by engineers is not a wastage of resources :

- Adds more career value – Having two degrees at a time is a great career option for a student. Pursuing MBA after engineering, will lead a student to access more opportunities. He can enter the field of management or engineering without any difficulties.

-Multitasking employees – Management has become an important part of an engineer's profession. An employee with an engineering and management degree can handle both the technical and management responsibilities of a company.

- Social Issues – Today most of the brides – to be, desire to marry an MBA professional. The Indian society has adopted the myth that MBA professionals gain more money than the engineers.

- Improves the personality – For the overall development of an individual's personality, both technical and managerial skills are required. The management skill teaches a person how to interact with his colleagues and maintain a good working environment.

- Better Understanding – As the engineers have a good analytical skill and technical knowledge, they can have a better understanding about the problems of a management.


India is producing thousands of engineers every year. The engineers should make use of the opportunities that are available to them rather than going behind an MBA degree.

After completing engineering, management may or may not be the best option for the students. While taking a final decision, they should carefully consider the positive and negative effects of pursing a different stream.


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